Proven Success: CO2 Production Pipelines Paving the Way for Reliable Transport in CCUS


Over 25 years ago, the operator of the McElmo Dome, a 203,000-acre natural carbon (CO2) source field located in southwestern Colorado, faced significant challenges with corrosion in their carbon steel gathering pipelines. CO2, particularly wet CO2, is highly corrosive to carbon steel pipelines due to the formation of carbonic acid when CO2 dissolves in water. The CO2 produced at McElmo, and in similar carbon reservoirs, such as the Jackson Dome CO2 field in Mississippi, are crucial for oil drilling as an injectant for CO2 enhanced oil recovery (EOR). Over time, the continuous corrosion leads to the thinning of the pipeline walls, pitting, and ultimately can cause leaks or pipeline failure if not managed properly. Expensive corrosion management strategies included dehydration of CO2, use of corrosion inhibitors, or the implementation of stainless steel and alloy pipeline materials.

Solution Implementation

United Pipeline Systems Tite Liner® system provided a long-term, highly economical solution to pipeline corrosion in the CO2 fields of McElmo and Jackson Domes. Compression fit liner pipe is well suited for protecting CO2 pipelines, and the comprehensive installation approach of the United Pipeline “System” ensures complete protection from the severe corrosion associated with CO2 gathering.


The use of HDPE Tite Liner® has proven to be an ideal solution. Remarkably, the McElmo and Jackson Domes are still operating with the original Tite Liner® system, showcasing their durability and effectiveness over 25 years later.


Tite Liner ® serves as an effective corrosion barrier for CO2 gathering systems, including underground production and carbon capture storage (CCS), by eliminating the need for flow purification at wellhead and capture sites. It enables operators to centralize dehydration and purification processes for CO2 transportation, reducing the complexity of distributed purification systems. Tite Liner® can be utilized in both new pipelines and in re-purposing existing pipelines to transport impure CO2.

Tite Liner®’s proven success in the McElmo and Jackson Domes demonstrates its capability to manage corrosive CO2 environments, ensuring long-term pipeline integrity and enhancing the durability of CO2 production and carbon capture systems.